But he called me. Late for me, too early for him. but he left a voice mail message saying how much he missed me. This is why it is that I want to run to his arms every single time I see him. But my better judgement prohibits from reaching out to him. Strange Love.
So sick of this game. tired of the premise. no one ever wins.
I can't deny that I miss him most when he calls me and tells me that I am his.
But sadly, our story is one that cannot persist, at least not in this life time.
It reminds me of the scene from Memoirs of a Geisha, when Sayuri and the Chairman meet at the end and she says to him, "Can't you see? Every step I have taken, since I was that child on the bridge, has been to bring myself closer to you."
Well this is exactly how I feel when he is near.
Why does he have a hold on me?
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